This project entitled „Implementation of the technology of galvanic treatment of steel containers in the scope of increased corrosion resistance and hardness of coatings, with taking into account environmental and energy aspects” is co-financed through the Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego under the Operational Program Intelligent Development for the years 2014-2020. PRIORITY axis III: Investments in innovative undertakings, Measure 3.2 .: Support for the implementation of the results of the R & D works, Sub-measure 3.2.2. Credit for technological innovations.
This project is aimed to implement a new container branch with zinc-nickel alloy coating characterized by better corrosion resistance and strength of coatings. The implementation of modern technology of galvanic treatment of containers for logistics and internal transport within the scope of increased corrosion resistance and hardness of coatings takes into account environmental and energy aspects.
This investment is the response to expectations set by clients of the Applicant. It results from observation of the company that the customers are constantly striving to improve the functionality and quality of products offered on the market. The application of zinc-nickel alloy coatings will directly contribute to a significant increase in functionality and the period of use of the products of the company Leann Stanczyk S.A. Higher corrosion resistance and higher hardness of zinc-nickel alloys will increase the durability of the final product thus lengthening its life cycle, including its aesthetic qualities within the longer period of time. It will be maintained the possibility of repair and processing of the product with a reduced quantity of hazardous waste (lack of chromium and cobalt). Thanks to the solutions applied, the company Leann Stańczyk will be able to introduce a competitive product with a similar cost of manufacturing, much higher quality and technical parameters, extended service life, as well as environmentally friendly production. The zinc-nickel coating is not used in this industrial branch, neither in Poland nor in Europe. The company Leann Stańczyk S.A. possesses a Polish patent with the number P.419804 and the European patent with the number 17000883.3 / EP 17000883 for the invention entitled „Method of performance of coating of parts and containers for logistics and internal transport”.
The project will contribute to achievement of the objective of the measure 3.2.2. which includes the implementation of the effects of R & D works which will result in market introduction of product innovations. In addition, the project will also contribute to achievement of the main objective of the PO IR program which includes increase of innovativeness of the Polish economy.
The total cost of Implementation of the project is PLN 19 200 000 zl
Additional financing PLN 5 350 095 zl